Some of these notes are from individuals directly linked to the death of the Mojave.

You'll scrounge notes from survivors torn apart by hostile tribes, The Cloud, abominations and oftentimes even each other. Ammo and supplies are rarer, low quality ammo are much more common than standard bullets, equipment is usually found in very poor state and wears quicker, carry weight capacity is greatly reduced, limbs are crippled quicker, the hardcore needs raise much faster, food and water are much harder to find (almost no harvestable plants, no more functional plumbing inside, many of the natural water sources are dry), NPCs and critters (both neutral and hostile) don't show up on the compass, and there's now a sanity meter. Most of the difficulty comes from an overhaul in game's balance, and DUST plays much more like a survival game than Vanilla. All you could do is find a way out, alive. But instead of someone like the Courier, the player is nothing more than just another survivor lucky to be alive. It is a dog-eat-dog ruin where tribals, cannibals and survivalists battle it out for their very lives against the hostile wasteland (and each other), Hoover Dam is all but spent, New Vegas is nothing more than a ruin infected with the same Cloud that plagued the Sierra Madre and the NCR's remaining outposts in the region are shooting just about everyone on sight.

Set 20 years after the events of the game, the Mojave is definitely not an okay place to live, not anymore. Fallout: DUST Survival Simulator is a Game Mod for Fallout: New Vegas that could be described as New Vegas meets DayZ minus actual zombies.